We are a privileged people. Thankfully, in the West, we have medical resources that are almost thrown at us. If you do not have enough money to pay for medical care, you are able to see a Doctor fora lower rate (or free!) and get the medication needed to get better.
Many people in other areas of the world don't see a Doctor unless they have the money. Even then, depending on your class, you may not even be able to get decent medical care with the little that you have.
This grieves us! If it were our children who had a great need we would hope that someone would take compassion on us and step in.
We are the ones who have and can help, so we did, through your generous purchases.

We all desire somewhere safe to lay our head at night, but this is not the case for thousands around the world. One project that we gave to this year was to see a home rebuilt for a family who lost everything.Bricks, cement, a door, and a proper roof have given a family protection and safety.

As ones who have lived in Thailand and experienced Dengue Fever ourselves, we know the importance of a mosquito net. Those pesky little insects have no mercy and with one bite from an infected mosquito you will become ill for 7-14 days. The symptoms of Dengue are extreme fatigue, high fever, body aches, eye pain, headache, low blood platelet and white bloodcell counts. Giving a mosquito net gives life and a peaceful night's rest.

Poverty is something you rarely get out of without someone stepping in and giving you an opportunity to thrive.
By giving a family a flock of chickens, they were able to raise animals that provide them eggs to eat and plenty to sell at the market to continue providing for their needs.

Parasites are the worst! Our children had them off and on while we lived in Thailand and I (Katie) had an amoeba that made me ill for almost 2 months. We know how miserable this made us and wouldn't wish it on anyone else. By giving medication to treat parasites and paying for people to get necessary vaccinations to remain healthy, we together, are representing Jesus in a very tangible way.

He knows multiple local languages. He knows what cultural faux pas to avoid. He communicates far better than we ever could. He loves Jesus fiercely.
Supporting a local pastor has been a true joy - we have seen first-hand the extent of what he has been able to accomplish in such a short time because he has far less to learn before getting to work. He knows his people and has the heart to reach them with the Gospel. This man has an incredible Jesus-focus and influences over 1,000 each year through church planting and discipleship training. He has been given great favor with government workers as he crosses borders within S.E. Asia.He's doing awesome stuff, but His God is even greater.
*Photo has been intentionally blurred to protect his identity.

Becoming a mother is an awesome privilege, but not often felt that way when you're young, unmarried, and no longer have your family's support. Whatever the circumstances are surrounding that pregnancy, we are called to love and reach out to those mothers. This last year we gave towards a ministry that is connecting with these women, providing counsel, delivering food supplies, and bringing a "baby basket" to them once their child has been born. Not only do these women have the essentials to begin caring for their child, but they have a friend who loves them regardless.