Giving is Always Better.
We love giving towards things that matter. From Thailand With Love's goal is that every dollar that passes through our hands is invested in something that will reap incredible benefits.
Through your purchase, families and communities are economically driven and brought out of poverty, education is provided, and local leaders are trained to understand the Bible and teach it with clarity to others.
Please check out the stories below of how your purchases have made a difference!
in 2018
We partnered with Gospel for Asia & Voice of the Martyrs.
Since 1979 Gospel for Asia has been reaching the "least of these" with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Check out the ways that your purchases have made an impact for eternity and consider donating to them directly.
Voice of the Martyrs was founded in 1967 and have made it their mission to offer practical relief and spiritual support to persecuted believers around the world.
Photos borrowed from www.gfa.org Parts of the text below have been borrowed from GFA and VOM to maintain information accuracy.

Bibles + Evangelism Kits are brought into restricted countries and in unreached areas because it's

Teaching a woman to read helps her avoid harmful labor contracts, understand warning labels and avoid being cheated at the marketplace. After they graduate from these classes, women are also able to read God’s Word and can grow in their relationship with Him.

National Missionaries bringing words of life and hope to people in places where Christ’s love hasn’t been known. They relate culturally and understand the communities they serve. They are willing to sacrifice everything so others can find the grace and new life Jesus offers.

Livestock provide eggs, meat, milk, and wool, which they can use or be sold at the market.

Men and women who lack education are hindered in their ability to provide for the families, but with a sewing machine, they can earn a stable income by sewing clothes.

Most families in Asia have little or no insulation or indoor heating. Those who sleep on the streets are even more exposed to the cold. Blankets provide comfort and protection and serve as tangible expressions of Christ’s love.

Many people in Asia do not have clean water, and as a result, they battle waterborne illnesses—or even succumb to death. Constructed of concrete, sand and rocks, BioSand water filters remove 98 percent of biological impurities. They provide safe water for drinking and cooking for a family and often for the neighbors too!

Bicycles for Missionaries save time and energy, enabling them to minister to more people and to visit believers they disciple more often. Bicycles may also be given to others in need, helping break the cycle of poverty by enabling parents to find jobs in more distant places or by making it possible for students to travel to their remote schools.

Whether a woman loses her husband through death or abandonment, she and her children face immense practical and emotional hardships, but the Body of Christ can offer support and hope by providing food, shelter, income-generating gifts, dignity and God’s compassion to women and children in need.

Millions in Asia have no choice but to go to the bathroom out in the open, which poses many risks, especially for women and girls who venture into open fields under the cover of darkness. Constructing outdoor toilets spares families from disease found at communal waste grounds and protects the dignity of men and women.